Fineshriber Family Foundation

Fineshriber Family Foundation promotes social justice by supporting children and empowering youth, families, and communities. 

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Our Values

As we strive to be sensitive and responsive partners, we affirm
the following values:
Partnership and Collaboration
Fineshriber Family Foundation sees every grant as a partnership and looks to develop deep relationships.

The Foundation respects each grantee partner’s vision and knowledge and works to empower organizations collaboratively. Our grants are flexible and designed to adapt as project or community needs evolve, allowing resource allocation where it is needed the most.

We believe that the best work is done when a group of passionate individuals comes together to tackle systemic injustice. In the words of Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Trust and Transparency
We recognize that relationship building relies on mutual trust and honesty, and we commit to earnest and open interactions with those with whom we engage. We pledge to communicate our giving priorities and processes, to solicit feedback, and to integrate outside perspectives into our grantmaking. We honor the hard and exhausting work of those we support, and we grow and learn from our partners.

Our Approach

We identify potential grant partners through research and involvement in the communities in which they work and serve, and we invite a select group of organizations to apply for grants each year. We are committed to vetting and assessing all agencies we support holistically and extensively. Due diligence is important to us, and as we respect the time and resources of potential and long-time partners, we gather as much information as we can before requesting documents from agencies.
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Current Priorities

- Civic Engagement
- Civil/Shared Society in Israel 
- Combatting Antisemitism
- Family and Community Empowerment and Resiliency
- Food Justice 
- Immigrant justice
- Mental Health
- Unhoused Youth and Families
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